If A Tree Falls

«If A Tree Falls,» is a speculative research project and a series of multimedia works that explore the convoluted relationality and innate connotation between identity, nature, and political imagination by examining the tree as a delegate of nature and a historical, rhetorical, mythological, and contested entity and life form, as well as a more-than-human witness.

The research title draws inspiration from the philosophical thought experiment: 'If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?' Which operates as another layer of the research and a metaphoric point of departure from which my research will utilize the physics and metaphysics of perception as an apparatus for reflection on the question of identity and freedom in convoluted political imagination, exploring the nature/culture divide and interpreting nature as an extension of culture production.

Through mixing the scientific with the philosophical and mythical by deploying a method of critical analysis over such context and location, and explore the role of nature in culture production and our contested relationship with it, whether by its depiction or erasure through a more-than-human perspective.

If A Tree Falls,(notes on observation)

Sound performance/installation (2023)

14 metal mic stands with microphones, earth, plants, and other living species.Stereo sound on wireless headphones.
Installation duration: Approx. 20 minutes on loop.
Performance duration: Approx. 35 minutes.
Language: English.

A site-specific sound performance/installation in the Brücke-Museum’s Atrium next to the Grunewald forest in Berlin. The work meditated on the nature/culture divide and the specific use of nature as a complementary aesthetic element to be observed.
In an attempt to meditate on this process of commodification, the project came to reconstruct the narrative by reversing roles where human progress becomes the object of observation from nature.

If A Tree Falls, (the reckoning)

Dual-channel video installation (2024)

Dual-channel vertical video installation, stereo sound.
Duration: 9:24 min. on loop.
Language: English.